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Equally Weighted Cost Surface

Weighted Cost Surface

Cost paths leading to all 15 of the proposed sites were computed. They are displayed on map 6, and their ranking and legend colour code is displayed in table 4.

For the equally weighted cost surface, the town of Spanish is the safest site for the repository (See table 3). Transporting waste from Pickering to Spanish minimizes proximity to densely populated areas and avoids dangerous railway infrastructure (See map 6).

The second surface, weighted to avoid populated areas, was used for a recalculation of the 15 cost paths. They are displayed on map 7.

For the weighted cost surface, the town of Hornerpayne is the safest site for the repository (table 4). Though located further north, the increased weight of surrounding population density effected the cost of the routes. Population density is symbolized on the output map to show the areas of strongest effect on the group (see map 8).

Map 5:

Table 3: Total Cost Distances

Map 6: Equal Weights Ideal Location

Map 7:

Map 8: Weighted Ideal Location

Table 4: Total Cost Distance

Source: DMTI Spatial​, StatsCan

Source: DMTI Spatial​, StatsCan

Source: DMTI Spatial​, StatsCan

Source: DMTI Spatial​, StatsCan

Least Cost Path: Spanish

UBC Geography 370 final project. Many animals were harmed in the making.​

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